Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pokemon Go Wish List

I started playing PG around the time it was first released and am currently only a Level 35. Playing as much (or as little) as I have, there are some things that are on my wish list for future updates.

These are just ideas that I have come up with, not "leaked" info.

1. I wish it showed the HP number on my hurt Pokemon when using potions or revives (through the ITEMS menu). If it did, I could better judge which potion to use to heal them. No point using a 200 healing potion on a Pokemon who only needs a 50.

2. I wish the Prestige Number was visible when Training so I knew when I could add my Pokemon to the GYM. Like a fool, I stay in the GYM battling until I finish, only to see that not only did a spot open up, but someone else had sniped my spot. GRRR Update: Training is now gone.

3. I would like to add purchasing Great and Ultra Balls to the shop.

4. I would like to be able to purchase [universal] candy and stardust from the shop. Update: Rare Candy added to game, which is a form of universal candy!

5. When arranging my Pokemon by HP, I would like to see the Pokemon arranged by highest HP to lowest. AS-IS it arranges the Pokemon with highest CP to lowest, and if any Pokemon have been hurt from a Gym Battle, then they would be the only exception, and be on the bottom of the list. This feature isn't useful as-is.

6. I would remove the pull-down-on-screen-to-exit option. I get so annoyed trying to scroll my screen back up to the top, only exit each time.

7. I would remove Pidgey's and Rattata's from the Tracker all together. These Pokemon are so common and are literally everywhere, I'm not going to travel to find one. I mean, who cares that there is a Pidgey at a Pokestop one mile from my home? I only have nine available spots, I don't want it wasted on Pidgey's and Rattata's when there could be a Snorlax nearby.

8. I would bring back the One Pokemon on my Tracker to represent all of the same kind that are near by. Again, it is a waste of valuable real-estate to show all six Rattata's that are nearby. I would prefer to see one Pikachu, click on it, and a sub-menu would pop up that showed all the nearby Pikachu's instead, and then click the ones I want to track.

9. I would like the Tracker to organize the nearby Pokemon by rarity. The rarest Pokemon would be in the number one spot while the most common would be the last. If this was the case, then No. 7 and 8 of my wish list, I could live better without. With this option it would put that nearby Snorlax in my top three spots that I see on my default screen and all those Rattata's at the bottom, or off the list all together (where they belong).

10. I wish the tracking system showed what was nearby (Sightings, with the grass) and the new Pokestop Nearby. I know what you're thinking, "It does that already". It actually doesn't do that the majority of the time. With the Sightings, I wish it at least told you the direction to go to find it. Currently, with just the Pokestop Nearby, when the closest Pokestop is a mile (or more) away, the tracker is totally worthless. Sightings (in the wild) should be priority over the Pokestops. Currently I assume it's the other way around. (see my pokemon tracker rant)

11. Wish in the "Notes" section of each Pokemon it listed how many battles the Pokemon has won.UPDATE: Added to game!

12. I wish the Eggs had a date stamp on them of when I collected it. When I click on an individual Egg to place it in an incubator, it would show the date when it was picked up. Sometimes I wish I could hatch the egg I just got, or the one that I have had the longest, but have no idea how to tell them part. A date/time stamp would do that. UPDATE: Added to game!

13. I wish I could battle wild Pokemon to make them easier to catch (instead of using Great Balls or worthless berries) - UPDATE it now appears the usefulness of Berries has been improved

14. Wish Incubators came out of Pokestops as often as 10km Eggs. (I wish 10km eggs popped out of Pokestops more often)

15. I wish "Excellent" throws were considered perfect catches each time (i.e. guaranteed not to pop out).

16. I wish it was easier to Prestige a GYM. It takes so much time and effort to Prestige a GYM, that I would rather take one down to put a Pokemon in, than Train at one. If I am trying to Prestige a GYM, and someone comes by and starts battling it to take it down, it is impossible to compete. They will take the GYM down faster than I can boost the Prestige. I have to hang out for 10 to 20 mins to Prestige a GYM to get in. It isn't worth my time or potions only to be kicked out minutes after I leave, or to have someone else snipe my spot that I worked so hard to open. Update: No longer can prestige Gyms

17. I wish Training at a GYM meant something. Am I the only one who feels using the term "Training" should be literal? If I take my 600 Snorlax into a GYM to "Train" I would like to think that it is gaining something, like CP or HP. Perhaps Snorlax can learn new moves after X number of battles. You know, training my Pokemon to get better. Update: Training no longer available in game

18. I wish leaving a Pokemon at a GYM for multiple days gave you a bonus. Sure it's nice to get that 10 coins each day, but each day my best Pokemon sits at a GYM, I cannot do anything with it. I cannot battle with it, I cannot power it up. Nothing. After so many days (weeks), that 10 coins a day just isn't worth it anymore. Similar with Wish No. 17, I wish it gained CP, HP or new moves the longer it stays at a GYM. Update: leaving Pokemon at GYM now gets you "hours" logged for the Gym Leader Badge

19. I wish Lures and Incense did not attract Pedgey's, Rattata's, Weedles, Caterpies, or Zubats. I cannot be the only one who has thought, or said out loud, how worthless Incense and Lures are. I used to see Lures popped almost everywhere when the game was new. Now, I barely see any Lures. I believe that players have wised up and see how worthless they are. Now that all my free Lures have been spent, to get more Lures, I have to buy them at $1.00 each. Lures ONLY lure 1 Pokemon per every five minutes for a half hour. That means, one Lure gives you only 6 Pokemon in a half hour of sitting around. That's a lot of time for not much payout or game play. I can catch more than 6 Pokemon in a half hour of walking, and get egg kms in. In addition, nine times out of 10, you are going to lure 1 Pedgey, 3 Rattata's, a Weedle or Caterpie, and a Sandshrew. That's just not worth $1.00, my time, nor was any fun.

20. I wish Lures and Incense lured more rare Pokemon and at a higher frequency (at least one or two a minute), and it shouldn't matter where you used a Lure or how fast you were moving with Incense to get good Pokemon. Also, being at a Pokestop, if a Lure guaranteed you to lure one 10km egg, it would make it more valuable to players. As-is, these features just are not fun to use.

21. I wish Incense lured nearby Pokemon. I am not sure how it would work, but say you see that Porygon on your nearby list, and just cannot find it. Pop your Incense and that Porygon, and all other Near-by Pokemon, come to you.

22. I wish Pedgey's and Rattata's didn't pop out of balls. They are practically the weakest (green to yellow rings) of all Pokemon and so common that I feel their catch rate should be higher. I get to the point of frustration that if either a Pedgey or Rattata pops out of a ball more than once, I will leave it behind. My balls are more valuable then catching either of them. Seriously, a Rattata popped out of a Great Ball four times before I caught it, and unfortunately it wasn't the Ditto I was looking for.

23. I wish every time I signed out of Pokemon that I didn't have to reset all my settings when I sign back in. I always have to uncheck Sounds, Music, and AR each time I sign back in (not restart the program, but literally "Sign in"), and check ON Battery Saver. Why cannot these settings be saved to my account?

24. I wish my AR worked. My phone is probably one of the only ones that it doesn't work with (Samsung Galaxy Avant), but my AR has not worked since day one. I always get the error "cannot detect phone orientation."

25. I wish in the "Notes" section of each Pokemon it listed if that Pokemon was Hatched, Caught, or Traded (if and when that becomes available). Personally, I would  like to be able to keep track of the Pokemon that I Hatched. They have higher IVs and sometimes good attacks that it could be more prudent to evolve those Pokemon than say ones caught in the wild. I am sure there are people out there would be more partial to keeping Hatched Pokemon vs ones they caught in the wild. UPDATE: Added to game!

26. I wish the Journal was more useful. I have used the Journal from time to time and most of that time I have wanted to check what I caught, hatched or got in a Pokestop, only to find that it has fallen off the list already. I understand that space is costly, but it would be nice that the Journal listed all info for the day, or I was able to log online and view the Journal more extensively. I just don't feel the last 50 interactions is enough.

27. Wish Paras, Staryu, Horsea, Krabby, Goldeen, Bellsprout, Venonat, Nidoran, Diglett and Ekans where moved to 2km eggs. Geodude should be moved to 5km. Pinsar, and Onix should be moved to 5km eggs. I wish hatching an egg wasn't always such a disappointment. UPDATE: pokemon moved!

28. I wish I could play at home. I get the whole, "get out in the real world and catch", but some days and times, it's too awful to go outside, I am too lazy, or just stuck at home, but I still want to play, but cannot. I sit on my couch, thinking "I want to play Pokemon Go", so I turn it on and wait (forever) for it to load and then....nothing. What can I do? No Pokemon at my house, no stops, no GYMs. My Avatar just stands there with nothing to do. Bored. Play another game.

29. I wish all the Pokemon could compete with another. Most Pokemon are no good in battles. They currently cannot compete with the top tier Pokemon at a GYM. I don't know about you, but all I see, ever, in GYMs are Snorlax, Exeggutor, Lapras, Jolteeon, Vaporeon, and Dragonite. That's it. OK, sometimes I see Gyarados and Rhyadon, but not much else. Out of the (going to be) hundreds of available Pokemon, there are only six that are strong enough to battle with. That's supper lame and boring. Now, all I am doing is catching Pokemon to collect them and not much else. To fix this, combine this Wish with "Wish No. 17" and now we are talking. I could train my Pedgey to get stronger and would be useful in a GYM against a Exeggutor.

30. I wish Pokemon where more plentiful. I get bored pretty quickly with catching the same Pokemon all the time. There needs to be more quantity and more variety. It's like playing a RPG and all you do, all day, everyday, is kill sheep to slowly raise your XP. Yawn.

31. I wish I could combine Berries (i.e. stack up), Pinaps, and Nanabs. I mean, why limit how many berries I want to use to try to catch that wild Rattata? If I had to choose between a Nanab and a Berry, I will go with the Berry every time.

32. I wish Pokemon GO was fun to play. I totally get why so many people have stopped playing. It's frustrating, boring, and everything is too limiting and expensive with little to no rewards.

33. I wish the Pokemon said their names when you touched them (instead of that stupid squeal noise). In the Pokemon Profiles (when you are looking at a Pokemon's stats), you can spin the Pokemon a full 360 as well as tap them once. When you do, the Pokemon does their battle cry or roar. I wish that they spoke their name at that point. It would be fun and also help those who don't know, how to pronounce their names.

34. I wish the Pokedex information for each Pokemon had the description from the TV show's Pokedex combined with the playing cards.

35.  I wish there was a timer count down when I use either an Egg, Incense, or Lure Module in all view screens. I don't know how many times when I am evolving with an Egg, or catching, and I have asked myself "How much time do I have left?" It would be nice that then I am in my POKEDEX, SHOP,  ITEMS, or POKEMON menu, that the timer was still visible.

36. When I am trying to catch a Pokemon in the wild, I wish the tap screen wouldn't be so quick to drop a Pokeball. There have been times when I am trying to tap the "RUN AWAY" button in the top left, only to fat finger it and miss the button. Instead of running away, I dropped (wasted) three or four balls instead.

New wishes

37. I wish I could create a group of pokemon when choosing which pokemon to battle with. When I go into a raid and I have X number of seconds to scroll through my 500+ pokemon to find the ones I want to use, I get annoyed that there isn't a quicker, easier way. What would be nice, is to have "groups" that I can pre-assign pokemon to. I can take the time needed to choose my pokemon for specific battling types. When i go to a raid or GYM battle and it asks me to choose my pokemon, I could just select "Group 1" and it would assign the six pokemon that I added to that group automatically. Easy. UPDATE: Added to game

38. I wish I could send a "signal" when waiting at a GYM for more team members. If there was a "flare" option on a GYM that would sparkle or do something to grab other players attention to say "hey, I am at this GYM wanting to do a raid, but need more players, please come here to play". It would be a Player "Lure". Maybe even to be able to "sit" in the GYM and the GYM would display a Number above it showing all the players currently in the GYM sitting and waiting for more players. UPDATE: Added to game...kind of

39. I wish I could get in a GYM with my group when we defeat a GYM. It happens every time that I am battling a GYM with someone else to take it down. One player gets in, and I have to wait like 10+ minutes before it will open a spot for me to put in. Not cool. UPDATE: Think this was fixed

40. I wish I could exchange candy for rare candy. I have no idea what I am going to do with a 1000 Murkrow Candy. It would be nice if it had some value outside of just powering up a pokemon who doesn't evolve and isn't useful in GYM battles. I mean, maybe it could be an exchange rate, like 10 candies for 1 rare candy.

41. I wish pokemon go came out with their own spyglass. I like the idea of a spyglass option for the tracker (that doesn't work). Like, select the spyglass and you can "roam" around a limited range to see if their are any nearby pokemon. When they pop up in your spyglass view, you will know where they are, then can physically walk over to them to get them. It wouldn't move your avatar, you still have to go to the location, but it would help track nearby pokemon and you can find all those around you that you want.

42. I wish there was an event timer. I mean, Nianic is terrible and letting players know when an event is starting or ending (i.e. emails show up weeks after an even has started to inform me that there is an even coming), that it would be neat if there was an event count down on the screen. Kind of a motivator to hurry up and go out to catch cuz I only have a day left!. What happened to the NEWS button that showed up under "TIPS?" when events where happening? UPDATE: News returned

43. I wish raid bosses were better pokemon. I mean, seriously. I spent this time to battle a pokemon to earn it, and when I  get it, it's not as high a CP as ones I have caught in the wild, it's not a Pokemon with 80% or greater IV, and its move set is just OK. These Raid Bosses should be top of their line pokemon. Otherwise, why bother?

44. I wish healing my pokemon wasn't so slow. I am not sure why it's so slow, but it terrible. to heal 10 pokemon, it may take me 10 - 20 minutes of sitting there waiting for the program to respond. I tap to heal......................powers. tap to heal........................powers. UGH! I want to tap, tap tap tap each pokemon and go.

45. I wish Pokemon Raid Egg timers had less time before it hatched. I get notices that "a raid battle is starting soon" and it has an hour or so before it hatches. I don't know about you, but for me, that is not "soon". Personally, I do not care that a raid is starting in an hour. I am either walking around, or driving by, and will not be in the area in an hours time. Nor will I wait around for an hour just so see if it's a Pokemon I even want. When the Eggs disappeared for a short while and it was just Raid Bosses popping randomly, I never said to myself "I miss those eggs". If Nianic wants to keep these eggs, have them show up 15 or 10 mins before hatching. For me personally, I don't see any strategic game play usefulness of it at all.

46. I wish the swipe screen to view nearby raids worked. 9 times out of ten I am trying to swipe the screen right to left to view the nearby raids and it either doesn't do anything, or it closes the Tracker all together.

47. I wish the Pokemon that I choose to be in my Raiding Party would be put back in my Party after they return from a GYM. If I leave my Dragonite at a GYM it warns me that Pokemon has been currently assigned to a Party and will not be available to use during Battles. Fine. However, it permanently removes the Pokemon from my Party and doesn't return it when the Pokemon returns from the GYM. I have to manually replace the Pokemon back into my party, otherwise I wont have a complete six the next time I go battle with that party.

I'll keep updating my wish list as more ideas come to me.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Kubo Replacement Face from Kernel Unboxing

Package arrived for me today. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to own a replacement face from Kubo and the Two Strings being offered by Kernel. With three day priority shipping I couldn't wait till the package arrived after I hit the purchase button. I fantasized about how the face piece would be displayed. Weather it would be Kubo or Beetle, and if it was Beetle, would it be just the face or include a full helmet. Today, all my questions were answered...
Sweet, it includes posters that were not listed as included
Comes with Certificate of Authenticity
looks like no display is included, just the head, loose...

My face! Kubo! how am I going to display this...?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Kubo and the Two Strings Movie [simple] Review

I just got back from watching Laika's new film, Kubo and the Two Strings. First things first...the two strings...the two strings does not refer to Kubo's shamisen. His shamisen actually has three strings. The two strings refer to something else all together. I wont spoil it here, though, but it's not crucial to the story.

Laika did a great job. Again. Their puppets, animators, set builders, costume designers, painters, etc. are a great team. They are perfecting the craft that is stopmotion animation. 3D printing is definitely their friend. The movie was beautiful and was fun to watch. I really enjoyed it. There is way more action in this movie than, say Coraline, and the Moon King and his Daughters are a bit scary for little kids like Coraline's Beldam and ParaNorman's witch, but I enjoyed it all the way through and had no cringe moments.

Likewise to ParaNorman with it's Anti-Bullying message, there was an underlining moral in Kubo of listening and obeying your parents, dealing with loss, and finding the strength and courage to move on. The ending of the film reminded me too much like ParaNorman, where there was this big visual spectacle of a bad guy, and all our hero had to do was just to stand their ground thus defeating the bad guy with just words somehow. A bit too simplistic since the whole movie is revolved around finding the sun armor, just to bush it way so easily. [spoiler] I was also a bit confused why the towns folk were so quick to lie to Kubo's grandfather of who the kind of person he was in the town. This scene was a nice sentiment, but it felt out of place.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely.

UPDATE: I purchased the Blu-Ray, and have since watched the movie again. My oldest brother called me asking for clarity on a few things, as he did not understand the ending.
1. Why did the Moonking want Kubo's eyes?
2. Why did the Moonking want to have Hanso killed? I.e. Why was Hanso even a threat to him?
3. What was the point of getting the armor?
4. Why was getting the sword unbreakable important when the only "weapon" that was actually effective was the Kubo's shamisen?

I got to say, Kubo was, in the end, a bit disappointing, mostly do to the final Act of the film. I don't feel that the plot paid out in the end. The whole movie, we are following Kubo to acquire armor needed to protect against, or defeat, the Moonking, but it isn't really clear why this is important, or how it would affect the world as a whole.  But that aside, the armor and sword didn't do any damage to the Moonking, and isn't what ultimately defeated him. Personally, it feels the whole quest was rather meaningless, thus making the whole back story rather pointless.

I am a little confused about the plot holes concerning Beetle. He is Hanso transformed into Beetle. So, he has been in Beetle form for 10 years but his memory and interaction with Kubo imply that he was literally born yesterday. When we first meet him, he is simpleminded, almost child like. As the movie progresses, he grows up personally to adulthood by the time he dies. Why did Beetle grow more in the last few days than he had over the last 10 years alone fending for himself in the wild?

Why, in the last act of the movie, was the entire town, hiding out in the ruins? They all pop up out of no where and their presence here totally feels wrong. Would they not all have left to neighboring towns or family instead of hiding in the ruins in the middle of the night?

Anyways, enough ranting. All that said, just to say that the story just seemed to fall flat at the end.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Kubo and the Two Strings at Burger King

Head over to Burger King to get your Kubo Happy Meal toys.

Kubo at Universal Studios Promo Figurine

9" Kubo figure was sold for a limited time at Universal Studios. You can still pick one up on the new LAIKA store for $100 while supplies last

Kubo and the Two Strings Opening Day

Kubo opens today! Get your tickets at

Kubo and the Two Strings Nike

As to be expected with Laika, a limited Nike Shoe with the Kubo theme, is available to win through the Kernel website. It appears that there is only one pair to win? Can only enter ten times. A purchase with Kernel automatically enters you the ten time if you enter with email for one entry, and later down the line make a purchase, automatically giving you the 10 max entries making your total entries to be 11 times. Rules state you will be disqualified if you try to enter more than 10 times. So does that mean if you fall into the above scenario, you are now disqualified from the game?

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

ParaNorman Cast and Crew Gift - Yet again

Another set of three Replacement Faces have popped up on eBay. The photos and Certificate of Authenticity come from The Prop Store of London. I would assume, it was purchased from there, and now being resold.
Auction by webexplorer88

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Coraline: Linden's Department Store Set Production Desgin

In my regular search for Coraline Props and replicas, I came across this "Production Used" folder for Linden's Department Store. It was put together for the art department and set builders for the Scene where Coraline and her Mother are shopping for school uniforms. It comes with the blueprints of the Department Store (drawn by William Sturrock), photos of the scaled prototype of the set, list of props and decorations to be used in the set, and more. The production folder contains 20 sheets. Each sheet is printed on 11x17 paper. I am unsure if any sheets are missing, as they are not numbered. Being a drafter myself, I am a sucker for blueprints. I did notice that, whichever program that Sturrock used, didn't calculate the dimensions of the set correctly. The inner dimensions does not add up to the full width dimension. Probably something that the set builders noticed when constructing it.
(Photos from eBay user: museumofmomandpopculture)

Anyways, I had to buy it. It's now part of my Coraline Collection. I would love to build a replica of the set, but most likely a scaled down version. The production set was almost 8 feet long and over 3 feet wide. Too large for my living room.

Friday, May 6, 2016

NECA Coraline Little Me Replica Doll IN STOCK

NECA's Little Me Replica Doll is now back in stock at Entertainment Earth. The long wait is over. Buy your's today for only $34.99 plus S&H. These sold out pretty fast they last time they were in stock.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Kubo and the Two Strings Kernel

Kernel is selling Movie Ticket Packages for Kubo and the Two Strings. Each option comes with news and updates from the movie, a digital copy of the script, 10 entries to win a trip to tour Laika Studio's or entered to win pair of Nike shoes, and one movie ticket. Shipping is in August, I would assume before the Movie release on the 19th. Choose your destiny

Digital Script, Movie News and Movie Ticket $15

Get three Journals, digital copy of the movie Script, and Movie Ticket $30 - SOLD OUT

Kubo Hoodie (red or black), digital Copy of the movie Script, and Movie Ticket $65

3D Printed Little Hanzo Figurine, Digital Copy of the Movie Script, and Movie Ticket $100 - SOLD OUT

Original Replacement Face Prop, Digital Copy of the Script, and Movie Ticket $400 limited to 300

Two Tickets to the Premier of Kubo at Universal Studios LA $1,000 - SOLD OUT

Kubo and Monkey Original Maquettes, Digital Script, and Movie Ticket $10,000 - SOLD OUT
That puts one original Maquette of a main character at $5,000.

The replacement faces option is my personal favorite. It is your opportunity to own an original puppet prop from the movie. It does not specify which character you'll get or how many will be sold, just a picture of Kubo himself with eye patch.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Kubo and The Two Strings Promo Journal

Another Promo Auction for Kubo

Laika Kubo and the Two Strings

Just saw the trailer for Laika's new upcoming animated film, Kubo and the Two Strings (Trailer No.1).

Got to say, I am excited for this one. I am surprised that I just NOW heard about it. I saw an auction on eBay that made me go "What is that?" and bam! New Laika film. So far my only eye roll was the joke at the end of the trailer about not being able to blink. Very three year old humor. Other than that, I loved the trailer. I'll keep my eye on this.

3D Printed Kubo and the Two Strings Promo Figure Auction. Same figure being sold at Kernel
by movieheaven1968

Trailer No. 2
Teaser Trailer

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

ParaNorman More Crew Gifts

Ahlstran_0 is selling their Cast and Crew gift Here for $650.00

Cluttermonk22's Cast and Crew gift Here for $1,800.00

ParaNorman Will London Mystery Box 37 of 49

Mystery Box 37 of 49 was been unearthed and found its way to eBay. The tag is addressed to Jane. Here is your chance to get an original Will London stopmotion puppet from ParaNorman. Ebay user Anarayne777 lists it as a rubber action figure, which makes me think that she may not realize it's a prop from the movie. However, the asking price does...
Ebay Auction
Turns out the Prop was sold at a yard sale. What a great find for a collector and fan. It's unfortunate that it was seperated from its box and other items it originally came with.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Coraline Custom Plate

This was painted especially for me at Create-A-Memory by a close friend. She used the Promo image as a template, painted on a blank ceramic plate, glazed and fired. I absolutely love it. I cannot imagine ever feeling comfortable eating off it, as I would be too afraid of damaging or breaking it. It sits on display in my dinning room.

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie's Boys Scorpion Box

The Scorpion Box that Shock holds during the Kidnap the Sandy Claws song. This little prop is on eBay. Great collectors piece.

The Nightmare Before Christmas Teddy Cart

Christmas Town Teddy Cart from The Nightmare Before Christmas on eBay. Such a simple little prop and yet it is still so interesting.

Boxtrolls Fish Maquette

10" Fish Maquette, sculpted by Kent Melton on eBay. I'm looking at IMDb, and do not see a Kent Melton listed in the credits. He also appears to have sculpted for ParaNorman. I also think that at $8,000 the price is a bit steep (maybe take a zero off that). Looks like the Maquette was originally sold by Heritage Auctions on February 12, 2015, Lot 94171. Photos are definitely from there.

Boxtrolls Baby Eggs Stopmotion Puppet

4" Stopmotion puppet of Baby Eggs from Boxtrolls on eBay. Great photo reference. I am not trying to price bash, but I don't believe that this piece is valued at $15,000. Maybe closer to $1,200 to $2,000.

Might be the same puppet that was sold by Heritage Auctions back in February of 2015. Lot No. 94189